Friday, November 21, 2008

Invitation from Founder, Rhonda Christensen


Welcome Liberator Method Colleagues and Friends!

I’ve received feedback from many Liberator Method graduates requesting me to develop an online TLM Support Group--a supportive forum for clients who have completed at minimum a 10-session Liberator Method Orientation Program to ensure familiarity with the Principles of TLM. That said, through this TLM group, I am establishing an online environment that is abundantly rich in the 3 Essential Principles modeled by The Liberator Method:

(1)-Unconditional Love for ourselves and each other,

(2)-Respect for and acknowledgement of our Response-Ability - our Freedom to Choose, and

(3)-Our commitment to Accurately Account for and Communicate the Truth of ‘what is’.

Choosing to participate in this group requires a 2-part Conscious Free Will Commitment from you:

(1)-a conscious agreement to hold yourself to these Principles as you share your experience with others, and

(2)-a conscious consent (and even request) for others to reflect and accurately account for (in alignment with these same 3 Principles) the contradictions of these Principles they may witness in you.

We human beings naturally 'struggle' in harsh environments, just like plants struggle to survive in environments that are not sufficiently providing their survival needs. In my experience, practicing the 3 Essential Principles is a discipline that results in your own capacity to sustain an environment that far exceeds the set of sufficient conditions required to 'just survive’ (a standard we've subconsciously become conditioned to accept). These 3 Essential Principles provide the set of sufficient conditions that make possible our REAL capacity to THRIVE in this world.

I'm inviting you to join me in the practice of these Principles, in service of Actualizing Humanity's Potential to THRIVE!

Very Truly Yours,


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